Issue-Focused Ministry

All to often there is one major issue that stands out in our lives.  One that causes deep pain.  Maybe it only comes up in certain circumstances or with certain people.  Maybe it’s an on-going issue that you've been able to ignore or suppress, but now it's in your face on a daily basis.  Way to go for taking action, freedom is right around the corner!!

Issue-Focused ministry focuses on the major issue that is troubling you.  It is a specialized, biblically-based integrated approach to help you find hope, healing and freedom in your life through Jesus Christ. 

The ministry session takes approximately two to three hours. Depending on the depth of healing needed, you may also need more than one session.  You may wonder why it takes that long and there's a few reasons: I don't want to rush the process, but want to give the Lord time and space to do the deep healing He wants to do and I want to give you the time to walk through healing.  Often times, I go into a session with a strategy of what to do, but there can be unexpected twists and turns as in God might shed light on something else that we'll pursue.  The most important goal for me in every session is to be obedient and faithful to the Lord's leading and strategy for you.  He's our ultimate, perfect healer so I'm gonna follow His lead!

We will cover four main areas that cause harm to someone's life: generational sins and curses, ungodly beliefs (lies), hurtful and traumatic experiences of our past and demonic influence/attacks.  Other things we might deal with are soul ties, judgements, vows and cultural implications.  

While I use the tools of Restoring the Foundations, I really seek the Lord on the strategy He has for each person.  I am not a formula following, one-size fits all kind of prayer minister and I'm ok with that because I've seen much more fruitfulness to the way God wants me to minister.

For more information on Restoring the Foundations, click here.  I tried to think of all the questions I would have if I were seeking ministry, so check out the FAQ page and if you still don't find the answer your looking for, feel free to message me!  

All for love,


hope marquee signage surrounded by trees
hope marquee signage surrounded by trees

Restoring the Foundation

If you haven't had a chance to read my testimony in the About Me section, it's ok, it's not too late haha!! In it, I share how Restoring the Foundation (RTF) played a major role in my life, marriage and family. Saved me, saved our marriage many times!  They brought much needed healing and tools when I needed it most.  Decades later since discovering their ministry, I have found their healing model to be one of the most thorough out there.  The freedom I found meant so much to me that I committed my life to helping others find freedom through RTF's teachings and resources. Take a look below where RTF is featured on Shawn Bolz, a popular Christian YouTube channel that gives prophetic perspective on current events, fast forward to 22:22 minutes mark.